Elasmobranch Specimen Details

SP - 9 Sphyrna zygaena
New Search Edit Record


Species ID No. 984
Collection Code SP
Collection No. 9
Genus Sphyrna
Species zygaena
Common Name Smooth hammerhead
ID Verified No
ID Verified By
Class Elasmobranchii
Order Carcharhiniformes
Family Sphyrnidae
ID Notes -Material collected by S. Pipes on our REU funds. -Shaun identified this animal as Sphyrna lewini, but the photo indicates that it does not possess a medial indentation on the anterior margin of the hammer and thus is likely to be S. zygaena. -gills save

Record Data

Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Action User Name
01/26/2009 Created

Host Specimen Attributes

Sex female
Maturity Freshness
PCL (cm) Disk Length (cm)
Fork Length (cm) 99 Disk Width (cm)
Total Length (cm) 132
Host Specimen Necropsied
Host Specimen Deposition
Host DNA
Host Notes


Associated Parasites

Parasites 10% NBF 95% EtOH 10% NBF Picked
Valve No
Worms n/a
Parasite Specimens ( 0 )
Parasite Notes